Therapeutic Centre Notices Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!

Welcome to 2019 everyone! 

We hope this year will be wonderful, memorable, and chock full of happiness.

Therapeutic Centre has the technology to help you with your Wellness as you leap into 2019! In particular we can now offer you, in addition to our existing screenings, a VLA screening. This electronically measures your body composition (% water / bone / muscle etc). Completely non-invasive – no needles! We can use this breakthrough technology to help monitor the results of a protocol, or to help you decide what, if any changes in your diet or lifestyle you may wish to make.

On this special occasion we would like to help you relax and rejuvenate yourself with:

10% off your next Bio Energy Scan, Hemascreen or VLA session

Please mention this email when you make your booking to claim your discount.

Wishing you an awesome year of Wellness,

Everyone at the Therapeutic Centre

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