Therapeutic Centre Recurring Skin Infections and Severe Eczema

Recurring Skin Infections and Severe Eczema

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Recurring Skin Infections and Severe Eczema


A 36-year-old patient presented with recurring skin infections (caused by staphylococcus aureus bacteria), recurring styes, recurring lymph node infections, severe eczema (atopic dermatitis) on face and body, nipple eczema, severe hay fever (allergic rhinitis), asthma, topical steroid withdrawal symptoms on face, sensitised skin on face, lymph node calcifications, and signs of antibiotic resistance. A small patch of hair on the scalp was thinning due to eczema on scalp (seborrhoeic dermatitis).

The patient was under the management of her GP and dermatologist, and on long-term antibiotics for 1 year and 8 months. She showed signs of antibiotic resistance with a lymph node infection in the armpit despite being on an antibiotic at the time. Further testing revealed the patient had become resistant to doxycycline medication.

The patient had to cover their whole body under the sun due to years of using topical steroids on the face, and being on the doxycycline medication which causes the skin to be more sensitive to sunlight.

Their GP was incredibly concerned about the recurring skin infections and current lymph node infection, and suggested booking into a dermatologist to be put on immunosuppressant medication.

Allergy symptoms were also worsening – the skin around the eyes would periodically become very inflamed, and a topical antibiotic would be prescribed. The patient also received multiple photo-therapy sessions without any noticable change to her skin.

During severe eczema flare ups, the patient would need to take a combination of prednisone medication and antibiotics to clear it however this treatment did not stop the flare ups from reoccurring usually 3-6 months after. During a severe flare up the patient would need to take time off work due to the appearance of the face.

Other medications the patient was on included long-term asthma medication, topical steroids, antihistamine and Flixonase (nasal steroid medication). The patient’s blood test results for liver function showed elevated GGT and ALT levels for 1+ years.

The patient felt they had exhausted all avenues of allopathic medicine. Additionally, their health conditions were continuing to deteriorate over time.


The practitioner identified several key factors contributing to the patient's symptoms including chronic inflammation, food sensitivities, leaky gut, and impaired detoxification pathways.

The patient was advised to follow an anti-inflammatory diet, and specific nutrients were prescribed to support gut healing, reduce inflammation, improve immune response, and improve detoxification. The practitioner also recommended regularly doing regular exercise such as walking.

The patient underwent weekly Scenar treatments starting at twice per week then reducing to once a week.


After being a patient of the Therapeutic Centre for 11 months, the patient showed a significant number of health improvements. The patient had lost 9kg of weight and was continuing to maintain their new weight. The patient’s area of thinning hair had regrown and additional hair on the scalp had grown, becoming thicker and shinier than before. The severe eczema on their face and body had cleared. The skin barrier on their face which was previously very sensitised had been rebuilt to be stronger. The topical steroid withdrawal symptoms on face had gone. The chronic nipple dermatitis had cleared. The patient is no longer on long-term antibiotics, antihistamine and Flixonase (nasal steroid) medications. They no longer need to cover their whole body under the sun. The recurring skin infections and severe hay fever have greatly reduced. In the past 11 months they have not had an eczema flare up that required the use of prednisone. This is a huge achievement for the patient as their previous flare ups would affect the facial area. The patient has not had to take time off work due to an eczema flare up in the past 11 months. The size of the multiple lymph node calcifications has reduced in size (the patient estimates the largest one has reduced by 50%) and some smaller ones have completely disappeared. The previously elevated GGT and ALT levels in the liver function blood test results returned to within the reference range. The patient has managed to avoid the use of immunosuppressant medication.

Patient Testimonial

I am incredibly grateful for the expertise and care provided by Dayandra and Gloria who are truly the best in their field. They have highly specialised knowledge and experience in dealing with multiple complex and chronic health conditions. They have a positive, encouraging and determined approach to patient care, and they are committed to staying at the forefront of research and professional development. If you have health conditions that continue to get worse despite seeking treatment from your GP or specialist, please book in a consultation at The Therapeutic Centre asap!


Therapeutic Centre


I am incredibly grateful for the expertise and care provided by Dayandra and Gloria who are truly the best in their field. They have highly specialised knowledge and experience in dealing with multiple complex and chronic health conditions. They have a positive, encouraging and determined approach to patient care, and they are committed to staying at the forefront of research and professional development. If you have health conditions that continue to get worse despite seeking treatment from your GP or specialist, please book in a consultation at The Therapeutic Centre asap!