Therapeutic Centre Notices Advances in Common Digestive Disorder Treatments

Advances in Common Digestive Disorder Treatments

On Tuesday the 13th of May 2014 Doctor Gloria Hettige, Chartered Natural Medicine Practitioner with over eight years experience will be sharing her extensive knowledge on common digestive disorders.

  • What are common digestive disorders

  • What causes them

  • Latest recommended healthy guidelines for overcoming them.


Tuesday 13th May 2014


7:15PM for 7:30 PM start

Lecture finishes by:



Churton Park Community Centre

The lecture will be followed by a Q & A session and a cup of tea.


Please confirm your attendance:

  • By phone: 04 473 7907

  • By text: 027 442 7866

There will be a small door charge of $5.00 to cover costs.