Therapeutic Centre Notices We’ve Moved!

We’ve Moved!

We’re sorry if you have found it difficult to get in touch with us for the last couple of days. We have been in the process of moving to our new premises 50m down the road from our old ones. Unfortunately, during the move, our phone services, email and even our website have all been disrupted. However things are all pretty much back to normal now, so you should be able to contact us on the same numbers and email addresses as you always have.

We are very excited to be in our new, much more modern and spacious premises. Our new address is:

Level 2, 95-99 Molesworth Street,

This is literally 50m down the road from our old office, so it’s very easy to find – it’s just two buildings closer to the beehive than we were before. Please do feel free to drop by for a cuppa and a chat, and see for yourself what we got up to last weekend!

Therapeutic Centre Team

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