Therapeutic Centre Lectures,Notices March 2017 Meeting – An Approach to Holistic Wellness

March 2017 Meeting – An Approach to Holistic Wellness

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Fat Loss = Wellness = Energy = Productivity = Happiness

The next meeting where you can here much more about this new groundbreaking Fat Loss Plan will be held at the

Churton Park Community Centre

14th March 2017

All are welcome

Bring a friend

$5 Koha

Body Composition Testing is the latest technology available to help you with your personal goal of Holistic Wellness. In just a few minutes you body’s proportions of vital tissue, fat tissue, water and bone mass can be measured. Then, if anything is outside the ideal range, a personalised programme can be developed for you to bring your body back into balance.

If your body composition indicates an excess of fat, then the TruHealth programme could be for you. It is a common misconception that the quickest way to a thinner waist and fat loss is to cut out foods, reduce calories and limit your diet to nearly nothing. What’s incredible is that you don’t need to punish yourself this way, nor is a low number on the scales the best way to determine if you’re “healthy”.

Come to our next public meeting and find out about the latest specially formulated Nutritional Supplement Shake. All that’s required is to replace one meal with a shake daily and keep up with your regular exercise and mindful eating.

Call Gloria on (04) 473 7907 for more information

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