Therapeutic Centre Notices Merry Christmas for 2021

Merry Christmas for 2021

and a Happy New Year

Wow, hasn’t 2021 flown by so quickly! We hope you are all thriving in the best ways possible, and wish you all the very best of the season. Thank you for allowing us to help you with your Wellness goals during the challenges of 2021.

Traffic Light System

With the new Traffic Light system coming into force on Friday 3rd December, we have made the decision to remain open to all people, whether vaccinated or not, where it is permitted. This means that when Wellington does not have a green light, we will be consulting by videoconference rather than in person, and in-person services such as SCENAR and Hemascreen will be unavailable. However even with an orange light we will remain open to allow supplement purchases in person. When a red light is active, we will only be able to process orders remotely and have them couriered to customers.

So, in summary:

Traffic LightPhysical ConsultationVirtual ConsultationProduct Purchases
RedNot availableAvailableCourier only
OrangeNot availableAvailableCourier or Pickup
GreenAvailableAvailableCourier or Pickup

Opening Hours

We are keeping things nice and simple these holidays. We will be open as normal until the end of business Thursday 23rd December. We will then remain closed for the holidays until we re-open on Wednesday 5th January 2022.

Last day open this yearThursday 23rd December 2021
First day open next yearWednesday 5th January 2022

Last Call for Orders

Just like last year, COVID-19 has continued to place extra strain on our suppliers this year, in many cases making it harder to provide the items we and our clients have ordered as rapidly as they have been able to do in the past. In addition, as the end of the year approaches fast, many of our suppliers are preparing to shut down over the holidays. Consequently we will need to get our last orders in to them earlier than usual.

Please make sure you get your orders for top-up supplements in to us no later than Friday 17th December, otherwise it is possible we will not be able to fill them until the new year.

We have already run out of some items for which we will not be able to obtain more until January at the earliest (eg BrainSustain vanilla), and others which are close to running out. If you think you will run out of anything over the holiday season, and especially if you are planning to go out of town, please contact us now and top up while you still can!

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
from us all at the Therapeutic Centre

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