Therapeutic Centre Notices Now Serving… The World!

Now Serving… The World!

As most of you know, we at the Therapeutic Centre do our absolute best to stay abreast of the latest technology, wherever possible, in order to offer our clients the best possible outcomes. So it is probably no surprise that we have been offering distance consultations via virtual meeting technology for quite some time.

Lately however, due in no small part to Covid 19, many more people have started conducting meetings remotely. So we feel now is a great time to bring the way we are using this excellent technology to your attention. We are comfortable using Skype, Zoom and GoToMeeting videoconferencing to hold remote consultations, in addition to consulting over the phone.

In addition to the regular elements of a distance consultation, this means that you can see visual evidence of your progress, in the form of graphs and charts, while in discussion with your practitioner. Also it is possible to securely and confidentially include more people in your consultation (e.g. your partner).

All you need is a PC running a currently supported OS, a webcam, and a broadband connection.

Contact us today for more information, or to book your consultation!

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