Therapeutic Centre Case Studies Inflammation Case Study

Inflammation Case Study


Systematic case taking gives insight on how health conditions can be readily tracked and underlying causes can be effectively addressed. Traditionally, studying physical and emotional status provides a solution to wellness. Scrolls of studies and self help guides are being churned out to demonstrate the fact that health challenges can be reversed by addressing the underlying issues. A close study of historical blood tests provides substantial information on the extent of organ stress that can result in a problem.

Case Study

I was presented with a 52 years Caucasian female who was chronically fatigued and inundated with extreme body pain. She had been on strong pain medications for years. Additionally, she had been medically diagnosed with the following conditions:

  1. Granulosa cell tumour (surgery was done in Oct 2011)
  2. Eczema
  3. Glandular fever
  4. Bursitis (inflammation of the shoulder and arm)
  5. Hernia (removed)
  6. Weight gain
  7. Elevated blood pressure
  8. Low iron
  9. Constipation – long term

She had a hysterectomy and inflammation was rampant.

But she believed in herself and was committed to making extensive behavioral changes. Regular monitoring of blood parameters and vital signs, by both her primary health providers and by us, gave her the confidence to adhere strongly to the customized protocol.

Treatment Strategy

My client was committed to a six month wellness plan. A customized protocol was developed to target the acidity of the matrix which dictates organ wellness. She visited the clinic twice per week for regular monitoring of her vital signs (weight,size, blood pressure, pH, temperature), and pain management treatment (SCENAR).

A dietary wellness plan was introduced, specifically eliminating inflammatory food such as sugar, wheat, gluten and dairy. The plan concentrated more on low glycemic food and an elemental fat loss programme. A number of high strength nutritional supplements were included, as was a comprehensive detox programme to support and help the elimination organs (lymph nodes, liver and kidney). We recommended a number of complimentary supplements to support the cardiac system, reduce inflammation, and support the immune, bowel, digestive and hormonal systems.

Measured Outcomes

The following graphs of laboratory measured biomarkers demonstrate her progress over a period of several months:



Subjective Outcomes

In addition to the above measured outcomes, our client now reports that she is:

  1. Able to hold down her regular job without much sick leave.
  2. Able to dream again
  3. Feeling confident with the increase of energy
  4. Walking daily and exercising for 30 minutes, which she wasn’t able to do before.
  5. Having regular bowel motions.
  6. Able to sleep and awaken without chronic body pain


Summarising with her personal words, she is `Getting up one morning and thinking life is worth living again.’

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