Therapeutic Centre Webinars Building Immune Resilience

Building Immune Resilience

0 Comments 1:45 pm

Wellness Webinar

When?Thursday, April 9th, 2020 at 2:00pm
How long?60 minutes
Where?Your PC, laptop, tablet or phone!

Click HERE to Register for the Webinar

We have always known about the vital importance of our immune systems, but until a few weeks ago it probably seemed easy enough to just leave it to it’s own devices and not pay it much attention. Recent events have, however, shown us that this is demonstrably not the case!

Picking the right foods can help. Listen in this Thursday at 2pm to find out more.

Aside from Covid-19 itself, the flu season is fast approaching, and now is decidedly not the time for a sluggish immune system. So you will want to tune in to this month’s Therapeutic Centre webinar, Building Immune Resiliance, where we will discuss how your immune system works and some easy ways to maximize its effectiveness.

Your Gut plays a huge part in your immune system response. Find out how to keep it at full strength this Thursday at 2pm.

Click the link below and enter your details now to reserve your space. You will be contacted with simple instructions on how to join the webinar closer to the time of it.

Click HERE to Register for the Webinar

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