Therapeutic Centre Publications Chronic Inflammation

Chronic Inflammation

by Dr Gloria Hettige PhD

Faced with chronic inflammation for number of years, unable to work and mostly bed bound, this fifty-two year old woman decided to look elsewhere for answers after exhausting all allopathic medical support. As symptoms cascaded, medications increased. She felt herself at a point of no return as she started to question herself what may be propelling her inflammatory pathway. Systematic case taking, historical blood tests provided substantial information on the extent of organ stress that can result in problems such as hers. The client presented with chronic fatigue and extreme body pain. She had been diagnosed with a granulosa cell tumour in 2011. Subsequent to that she developed various ongoing health issues which were not eliminated by regular treatments. Inflammation was rampant. The client believed in herself and was committed to making extensive behavioural, dietary and lifestyle changes to improve her health. Regular monitoring of blood parameters and vital signs, by both her primary health providers and by us, gave her confidence to adhere strongly to the customised protocol we created for her, which enabled her to return to wellness.

To read the full article, please read IMCJ Integrative Medicine: A Clinician’s Journal, February, 2020 – VOL. 19, NO. 1

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