Therapeutic Centre Wellness Articles Wellness Review – November 2018

Wellness Review – November 2018

Shake It Off Using Cutting Edge Science

The Burden That Is Excess Weight

Obesity and excess weight are occurring in epidemic proportions. Nearly two-thirds of Australian adults and over a quarter of children and adolescents were classified as overweight or obese in 2014-2015.1 Apart from the detriment to cardiovascular health, carrying extra weight often comes with self-esteem issues which affect quality of life. Despite all this doom and gloom, there is light at the end of the tunnel. It’s called the Shake It Program and it can help you achieve a healthier weight!

Your Body Weight Set-Point – Time for a Re-Set!

All individuals have a unique metabolic ‘set-point’, a weight range that your body fights to maintain. To stay in its ‘happy place’, your body will resist weight loss attempts and cause you to regain weight after successful weight loss. The set-point is raised by a number of factors – sedentary lifestyle; lack of exercise; frequent consumption of sugar combined with saturated fats; inadequate protein; poor sleep; stress or anxiety; poor gut health; and high toxin exposure.

Lowering your set-point is key to losing weight and keeping it off. This can be achieved by following the cutting edge principles in the Shake It Practitioner Weight Management Program. Shake It makes adhering to a weight loss program simple, and prevents the rebound weight gain that often occurs with diets that aren’t designed for safe and sustainable weight loss.

Today’s Food Sets You Up to Fail

Highly processed foods can be a roadblock on your weight loss journey. They are specifically designed with ingredients such as fat and sugar to hijack your brain, making it harder to stop eating them. Described by obesity researchers as ‘hyperpalatable’, these often highly processed foods confuse your brain’s fullness threshold so you continually want more. In contrast, wholefoods have minimal fat and sugar, and contain fibre which naturally allows your appetite to normalise. Wholefoods are a cornerstone of the Shake It Program, making it easier for you to eat fewer calories yet feel more satisfied.

Shake It: Research > Apply > Win!

Reviewing over 400 scientific papers on excess weight and obesity uncovered three profound new findings:

  1. Low carbohydrate (LC) diets are no more effective at reducing weight than low fat (LF) diets in overweight individuals. This means as both give positive outcomes, you can follow the diet that best suits you.
  2. Controlled diet breaks prevent your body from adapting to your new diet and slowing your metabolism; also providing a mental break. With the clarity of hindsight, diet breaks also allow you to see how far you’ve come from your previous eating habits.
  3. Sufficient protein decreases hunger. Shake It strategically addresses this by providing Shake It Shakes, Soup and Keto Bars, along with a new range of nourishing proteins (e.g. whey, collagen and pea), to also provide paleo and vegan options.

Shake It in a Snapshot

The Shake It Program begins with the Intense Phase; six weeks of calorie reduction on your choice of LC or LF eating plan. This phase helps you establish new eating and lifestyle habits, and maximises initial weight loss. You then begin your first diet break in the Pulse Phase, cycling between two weeks off and two weeks on your diet until your goal weight is achieved. The final step is the Maintenance Phase where you transition to the Wellness Program for Weight Management, which incorporates
Mediterranean-style eating recommendations and evidence-based exercise guidelines for sustained health and weight maintenance.

Throughout the Shake It Program you are able to track your food, exercise and sleep using the innovative Shake It App. Plus your Practitioner will be there to support you all the way with tailored behavioural change strategies and motivational resources to keep you powering through your weight loss journey – all designed to help you make winning a habit!

You’ll Never Walk Alone

In the battle with excess weight, you need not walk alone. Your Practitioner is on your side with the necessary expertise, skills, motivation and support to put you on the weight loss winner’s podium!

Talk to us today about the Shake It Practitioner Weight Management Program, and chieve the best you ever!

1 Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. Overweight & obesity. Overview [Internet]. Canberra, ACT. [Updated 2018 January. Cited 2018 August 17]. Available from: